Tuesday, July 20, 2010

You are my Ocean..to Pink

PINK..this one's for you

you are my ocean
afloat kept on dreams
of tears dried by your prayers
you heard my cries
granted answered wisdom
untold love I give hope
to all those that suffer and reach out
that they meet
discover and encounter divine
beauty such as you display
the ultimate testimony of faith
to reach beyond what you felt possible
rise so far surpass winds that spoke
change whispered to you in God's name
that you were meant to be of asistance
and by God I mean to say to you today
that I love you and slowly fell closer to your side
which each verse of naked truth
that hit like a suckerpunch
so painful raw and real

God's gurl, I love you cherish you always keep you close to my soul for i know in a flash you would be right here with me by my side on your knees with me to pray....

Just for Today

love Jess

everlasting sisters!


  1. Awesome love this totally my friend

    1. I never replied...sorry I am glad you love it! all for you!
