Monday, September 3, 2012


Dare to enter my mind's realm
Drawing you in
You spin like a centrifuge
A cacophony of voices
Not meant for you to hear
Assault you in inconceivable ways

I used to feel empathy for others
My friends who heard voices
Thinking about how terrible it would be
Well this haunting tone deep within
Also without is not a pleasing song today

Banish the feelings bestowed on me
When I hear these unreal sounds
Ones no one else can hear
Which makes me "crazy"
Well I dare you to spend
A day in my head since last year
A year where I have been tortured
By doctors as well as demons

Demons they called themselves at first
I never really believed too much in hell
Until I found hell in my own head

© Jessica Brooke 9/2/12


  1. Dark, yet as I have said Jessica....I love dark poetry =)
