Saturday, September 29, 2012

My Story

Exuding strength
From every pore
Proud of who
I have become
Unabashedly bold
Reaching out
Making a difference
Through poetry
I took a chance
To tell my story to the world
Now to fruition
My dream has come true
Not only to have my own safe home
Pets and friends
But touching hearts
Along each path not trodden
I have found a way through
A way for my soul to enter
My readers’ minds
Sprits and essence
You may find me boldly accepting
Each change in my life
Negative or positive
With grace and fortitude
For I do not disguise the real me

© Jessica Brooke 9/29/12

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Echoing in the distance
Is your voice ever so far
Never to be heard again
I feel an aching loss
A pain difficult to explain
You left this earth
Yet with me you remain
A reminder of you is
Forever imprinted upon my heart
I feel such aching when I
Am reminded of your love
Your gentle touch
Your kind soul
Soon will be your birthday
Difficult but I must say
I can feel you with me
Each passing day

9/15/12 RIP Brian Skala

Friday, September 14, 2012


I see a shining light approach
the future bright and clear
I see myself standing there
Smiling freely with self esteem
So close to get there
So far to travel alone
Yet a journey I must travel
By myself with no aid
But my wits and character
As the second hand ticks
I realize that just for this second
I am at peace and loving life
This is the best place to be

 © Jessica Brooke 9/14/12

Melody of the Night

Reveling in the moon's natural beauty
The glow surrounding the nearby trees
As I contemplate the wonder of nature
I breathe in the crisp night air
Relaxing in the rapture of the evening

A melody begins to play within

A song pure and true

I begin to meld in the ecstasy of the night

As the tune progresses soothing my spirit

I am one with the trees and the grass
Utterly and completely at peace

Jessica Brooke 9/14/12 
all rights reserved

Monday, September 3, 2012


Breaking down my resolve
Are characters
Playing a game in my head
I realize the first step
Is knowing they are not real
but the struggle is to
Survive with the
Visitors from my psyche
And to realize
Inside I am still the
Same kind, beautiful
Woman I always have been
Underway is a transformation
From darkness to the sunlight
Patience I need to learn to have
For the fight is ongoing
However watch out voices
I am strong

© Jessica Brooke 9/3/12


Dare to enter my mind's realm
Drawing you in
You spin like a centrifuge
A cacophony of voices
Not meant for you to hear
Assault you in inconceivable ways

I used to feel empathy for others
My friends who heard voices
Thinking about how terrible it would be
Well this haunting tone deep within
Also without is not a pleasing song today

Banish the feelings bestowed on me
When I hear these unreal sounds
Ones no one else can hear
Which makes me "crazy"
Well I dare you to spend
A day in my head since last year
A year where I have been tortured
By doctors as well as demons

Demons they called themselves at first
I never really believed too much in hell
Until I found hell in my own head

© Jessica Brooke 9/2/12


Trapped in the
Only safe place
I know
My mind
Yet it has been
Taken over
By what seems like
Evil spirits and the
Pitch black forest
Where the voices reside
Is in a safe haven
Where once was silence
Where once was inspiration
Where is safe anymore?
If I am cursed to be
Taken over by a force
Stronger than my faith

 © Jessica Brooke 9/3/12

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Feeling stripped of hope
I am writhing under an oppressive
Feeling of duality
Between the real and surreal
I do not know which road to walk
Both are overgrown
I must scythe through one at least
To get out of this hell
The easy path was long ago
Now I suffer torment from
An unseen force
Not real yet seeming so
So as the logical mind reminds
The illogical soul
That not only am I safe and secure
But I for one am definitely not alone
Not alone in my illness
But alone in the feeling that
No one understands

© Jessica Brooke 9/2/12